Best practice MedtecLIVE 2024

Manufacturing of femoral knee implants

Three companies, leaders in their field, have worked together on a project to revolutionize the production of femoral knee implants. Discover our technical article about this exciting project and learn by watching our expert talk!

Implant manufacturers face the challenge of reducing costs while maintaining quality. In response to this challenge, an important contract manufacturer partnered with Seco Tools, OPEN MIND Technologies, and GF Machining Solutions to enhance the efficiency of their femoral knee manufacturing process.

What are the benefits of this approach?

The project involved optimizing tool paths, upgrading CAD/CAM software, and employing advanced milling machine technology. By leveraging the expertise of each specialist and integrating cutting-edge technology, a stable and reliable machining process was developed.

A massive reduction in machining time eliminated quality defects such as shadows and reduced rework, labor and scrap. Ultimately, important cost savings were obtained in comparison to the customer’s benchmark process.

Discover all the details in our technical article