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Service MedtecLIVE 2024

Medical Micro Molding

Medical micro molding is a highly specialized niche in the plastic injection molding industry. Medical devices from leading OEMs depend on micro-injection molded components as the miniaturize their technology, providing critical patient care in and outside the body.

Accumold's cleanrooms meet ISO standards, 100k (ISO Class 8) and 10k (ISO Class 7), but that’s only a starting point. Engineers and OEM part designers working on their next medical project must be aware of three core aspects of the medical micro molding process before starting their next project.

1. Gates and ejection

As parts become smaller, requiring half-micron or micron tolerances, gate and ejection pin features take up a considerable percentage of part geometry-much more than in a small injection molded component. As designers consider the medical micro molding process they need to keep in mind how they will gate the part for molding and also how they will extract it from the mold.

2. Standard wall thickness and size doesn’t apply

Our medical ultra-thin and ultra-small micro molding process allows part designers and OEMs to stretch the generally accepted standards for wall thickness and part size. Our DFM engineers routinely mold components that aren’t possible according to resin supplier specifications. We often hear “oh, I didn’t know you could do that with plastic.”

3. Stretching Complexity

In the same way we stretch what resins can do at micro levels, we also stretch what’s possible in part complexity and intricate cavity design. We’ve discovered one reason complex projects are often abandoned is because medical device designers are unaware their microscopic molding requirements are possible. This reason alone is why it’s best to bring our DFM team in as your advisor as early as possible.