SeproTec sets the gold standard in translation services, surpassing ISO benchmarks for quality and environmental responsibility. Our meticulous processes, crafted by industry experts, guarantee consistently superior translations.
SeproTec provides ISO certified translation services for leading companies within the life science industry, as well as others. As part of our commitment to guaranteeing the quality of our services, and mindful of the importance the environment has, in all of our activities we follow a Comprehensive Quality and Environment Policy as the basis of our management system.
Our efforts have been recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and certified under the requirements of Standard ISO 9001 (Quality), Standard UNE-EN ISO 17100, which is specific to translation services, ISO 18587, specific to machine translation post-editing, ISO 13485, specific to medical devices, standard ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 27001 for information security management systems.
We perform quarterly internal audits on all our language services (including interpretation) and hire SGS Audit Services to run external audits annually, achieving excellent performance results as evidenced by their external audit reports.
We design a customized workflow to cater to projects of all sizes and assign just one reliable contact person to handle your individual customer service needs.
Secure a meeting with our experts at MedTecLive 2024 to learn how we can help improve your sales by delivering superior content and services and by making communication in your customer’s native language easy.