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Product MedtecLIVE 2024

Telemedicine software for people with neurological disorders

On this page, we describe one of our projects as examples to give you an insight into our daily work and to show you which core tasks our customers entrust to us.

Project management and software development in the area of motion analysis and assessment

Client: Telemedicine company
Techniques: C#, WPF, Visual Studio 2019, Azure Kinect (3D camera system), Pose Tracking, Azure DevOps, Git

People with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis benefit from regular and accurate assessment of their motor symptoms to evaluate disease progression and adjust therapy. We transfer standard clinical assessments to the patient's home environment by offering specialized software. The software automatically performs a variety of motor assessments, visually analyzes whole-body movement in 3D, and then provides diagnostic parameters to the treating physician or therapist.

The customer is about to enter the market with an existing telemedicine solution in C#/WPF. Further requirements of the healthcare market and the software prompted him to quickly purchase additional development and project management capacity from us.
Due to the regulatory requirements in the medical context, our employees were trained and closely involved in the processes at the customer. The previous knowledge in the field of medical software development and sensor technology, which our employees brought with them, was of great advantage here.

Despite the special requirements, the development work on this project, which is very interesting both technically and in terms of content, is going very well. We expect this innovative telemedical solution to soon be made available to many patients.
