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Medical Valley EMN e. V.

Medical Valley EMN e. V.

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The Medical Valley European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg (EMN) Association is an internationally leading innovation ecosystem in the area of healthcare management. Highly specialized research institutions, internationally leading and at the same time many growing companies are active here.

from Erlangen, Germany



Hans Christiaan De Raad
Matthias Ritschl
Dieu merci Kadiobo Kitoko
Muhammad Usman Sardar
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In the healthcare industry, Medical Valley EMN e. V. is an innovative healthcare cluster with active research institutions and internationally leading and growing companies. It currently has over 250 members from the fields of industry, research, healthcare and politics. The main purpose of Medical Valley is to provide services along the value chain from the initial idea to the creation of a business plan, through further milestones eg.  market launch and internationalization. The aim is to find solutions for the current and future challenges of healthcare in cooperation with all stakeholders.


Medical Valley EMN e.V.

Erlangen, Germany
Henkestraße 91


Marco Wendel

Marco Wendel

Geschäftsführender Vorstand
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Kerstin Béres

Kerstin Béres

Public Relations
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Caroline Hofmann

Caroline Hofmann

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