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Service MedtecLIVE 2024

From Prototpying to Serial Production

We prefer to accompany you from the very beginning of your development process. From the individual silicone component to the finished assembly - but always with the right focus on the overall solution.

Product development always starts with an idea. Our job is to visualize your idea and make it tangible. First, we produce CAD drawings that meet all the requirements necessary for feasibility.
The next step is to verify the design via first prototypes.

We use two different processes to produce initial samples for you - depending on your quality requirements: The 3D printing process gives you a first impression of the product and its properties.
If it is to be the final prototype component for a first 0-series, we use 1-fold prototype inserts in our master molds. 
Thanks to their cost-effective and fast implementation, you can get an impression of what the later product will look and feel like. These prototypes are used to clarify all (design-) technical parameters before the product meets all necessary requirements.

Once all technical and design parameters have been clarified on the prototype, the tool is manufactured for series production. Highly precise and, above all, with the good feeling of having thought of everything. 

After completion of the initial sample parts, you will receive a detailed initial sample test report that is tailored to your needs and has been maintained with standard-compliant information so that everything is set for series production. | #psilkon #PstandsforTEAM #NewFacility
#elastomer #medical #medtec #siliconinjectionmolding
#silikon #silicone #LSR #liquidsiliconerubber #Oberthulba #thingsarebetterhere