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3D MicroPrint GmbH

3D MicroPrint GmbH

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Small in size, but big in detail! 3D MicroPrint GmbH manufactures high-precision micro metal components using Micro Laser Sintering technology. We offer a comprehensive service from product design and prototype development through to series production.

from Chemnitz, Germany



Hans Christiaan De Raad
Regina Preysing
Matthias Ritschl
Daniel Beuchat
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Micro Laser Sintering with the 3D printing systems from 3D MicroPrint opens up new possibilities in the design of micrometal components. Micro additive manufacturing enables the production of high-precision functional printed micro-mechanisms and fully integrated complex assemblies.

Complex geometries with minimal wall thicknesses of less than 50µm can be customised for moving parts in a single operation using our 'print-as-one' process, without the need to assemble the parts from individual components.
In this form of additive manufacturing, the component is built up from successive layers of metal powder, with a micro-laser beam fusing the individual powder particles into the desired shape. 

By irradiating the individual layers with the laser, it is possible to create three-dimensional geometries with complex internal structures that were previously impossible or uneconomical to produce.

Numerous companies, particularly from the medical technology, aerospace, semiconductor, jewellery and watchmaking industries, are already among our satisfied customers.


3D MicroPrint GmbH

Chemnitz, Germany
Technologie-Campus 1


Marie Gerstner

Marie Gerstner

Technical Sales
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Knut Hentschel

Knut Hentschel

Managing Director
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