Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)

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About us

A strong community for purchasing, supply chain and logistics

Founded in 1954, the Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME) is a leading professional association and network partner for purchasing, supply chain and logistics managers in Germany and Europe. It has 9,750 members in 38 association regions (as of December 2022) - from individual companies to SMEs and corporations - from all industries and sectors. The volume of goods and services procured by the association's members amounts to around 1.25 trillion euros annually. This corresponds to almost a third of Germany's gross domestic product.

The objectives of the BME are the transfer of expertise through the exchange of experience, the training and further education of qualified specialists and managers and the promotion of new findings, processes and techniques at the interface between science and practice.